H&P 1
Identifying data:
Name: M. F.
Address: Queens, NY
Age: 60
Sex: Female
Date and time: 11/10/21, 10:30AM
Location: New York Presbyterian, Queens, NY
Religion: Catholic
Marital status: divorced
Source of information: self and medical records
Reliability: reliable
Chief complaint: “ bumps on my face” X 3-4 months
History of present illness: M.F. is a 60 year-old female with PMH of GERD, who presented to the ED with several red bumps on her face for the past 3-4 months. In July of 2021 the patient was in Colombia (the country) and received cosmetic injections of deoxycholic acid in her submental region. In August of 2021 several raised red bumps developed on her face. The bumps are painful and hard red and swollen, and she says “more and more keep popping up” but no drainage has been noted. Patient has been to see an outpatient dermatologist and tried 4 different oral antibiotics (unable to recall the names) outpatient without success. Patient saw an infectious disease specialist last week who cultured one of the bumps, which tested positive for Mycobacterium. Patient came to the ED today because she began suffering from fever, chills and a nonproductive cough earlier this week. Patient admits to fever, cough, facial swelling, neck swelling, and facial pain. Patient denies hemoptysis, night sweats, unintended weight loss, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, changes in vision, dysphagia, difficulty breathing.
ED course: patient was given an LR fluid bolus, and IV Azithromycin and Imipenem according to infectious disease recommendations. CT neck and chest were obtained.
Past medical history:
GERDX 10years
Past surgical history:
Cholecystectomy, six years ago at Mount Sinai for acute cholecystitis. No complications.
Pantoprazole 40 mg daily, for GERD
Allergies: patient denies allergies to medication, food or environment
Family history:
Grandparents: unknown
Parents: deceased, unknown history
Siblings: alive, unknown history
Son: alive and well
Denied family history of cardiac disease, metabolic disorders, cancer, thyroid disease, kidney disease, allergies, lung disease, GI disease, urinary tract disease, psychiatric disorders, nervous disorders.
Social history:
Marital status: divorced, lives alone
Occupation: retired teacher
Habits: admits to a single glass of wine weekly, patient denied smoking, use of recreational drugs.
Travel: Colombia (the country) July 2021.
Diet: breakfast fruit/coffee, lunch sandwich (tuna/egg salad/deli meat), dinner salad or protein.
Exercise: walks to do shopping several times a week
Sleep: sleeps between 7-8 hours a night.
Sexual history: not sexually active
Review of systems:
General: admits to fever, chills, patient denied nausea, anorexia, general weakness,vomiting, fatigue, diaphoresis, night sweats and changes in weight
Head: patient denied trauma , headache, confusion, lightheadedness, changes in vision, loss of consciousness
Neurologic: patient denied slurred speech, neck stiffness, decreased sensation, numbness, tingling, syncope
Eyes: denied blurred vision, itching, photophobia, discharge, swelling. Does not wear corrective lenses
ENT: admits to neck pain, facial pain, swelling. patient denied vertigo, rhinorrhea, stuffiness, sneezing, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, tinnitus, ear pain, deafness, use of hearing aids
Cardiac: patient denied leg edema, claudication, known heart murmurs, chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations
Pulmonary: patient admitted to cough, denied shortness of breath, pain with inspiration, wheezing, hemoptysis
Hematology: patient denied bruising, anemia, enlarged lymph nodes, history of DVT/PE
Skin: admits to several raised, red, swollen painful bumps on neck and face, patient denied rash, sores, itching
GI: patient denied bowel changes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysphagia
GU: patient denied urgency, dysuria, polyuria, hematuria, nocturia, incontinence. Patient is postmenopausal at 60, denies dysparenuia, dryness, itching. Patient is G1P1 NSVD.
MSK: patient denied joint pain and swelling
Endocrine: denies polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, heat or cold intolerance, excessive sweating, goiter or hirsutism.
Psychiatric: patient denied anxiety, depression, mood changes.
Physical exam:
Vitals: temperature 100.9 F, pulse oximetry 96% on RA , HR 84 regular, BP 134/76 mmHg, RR 16 unlabored. Height 5’3”, weight 145 lb.
General: 60 female, alert and oriented X3, overweight, appears stated age
Head: normocephalic and atraumatic, non tender to palpation
Eyes:symmetric OU, no eyelid swelling or ptosis, lesions noted externally. PERLL, non icteric, no conjunctival injection. Visual fields full by confrontation bilaterally. EOMIs.
ENT: multiple small areas of indurated skin on face and anterior neck, overlying skin darkened, tender to palpation. No drainage. Airway patent. mucus membranes moist, no erythema or exudate in the back of the throat, no lymphadenopathy. Trachea midline, thyroid not-enlarged. Uvula midline. Dentition intact, no obvious caries.
Cardiac: regular rate and rhythm, S1 and S2 auscultated. no murmurs, rubs or gallops. Radial pulses 2+ bilaterally, capillary refill < 2 seconds bilaterally. No leg edema.
Pulmonary: clear to auscultation bilaterally, Normal respiratory effort, no retractions. Symmetrical chest expansion, no wheezing or rhonchi, crackles.
Abdominal: bowel sounds present in all four quadrants, abdomen soft and non tender, with no distention, no hepatosplenomegaly. No guarding or rebound noted. No abdominal pulsations or bruits.
Skin: see ENT, no rashes, bruises or scars. No pallor noted. Warm and moist, non icteric skin. Normal skin turgor.
Extremity: full range of motion, strength grossly intact in upper and lower extremity. No unilateral calf swelling or tenderness. No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. DP pulses 2+ bilaterally. Sensation intact.
Neurological: patient is able to ambulate normally, finger to nose normal. Sensation to face intact. Jaw strength, facial movements, shoulder shrug, EOMIs with no nystagmus.
- BMP and electrolytes: Na 141, K 4.1, Cl 103, CO2 28, BUN 11, Cr 0.62, glucose 125
- CBC: WBC 7.70, RBC 3.65, Hgb 13.3 Hct 40.8, platelets 321
- LFT: total protein 7.6, albumin 4.8, total bilirubin 0.2, direct bilirubin 0.1, AST 19, ALT 20, ALP 84
- CRP <0.30
- Covid: negative
- CT chest: 2-3 mm nodular opacity in the posterior inferior lateral right upper lung lobe. Airways were clear, no enlarged lymph nodes, cannot rule out active mycobacterial disease at this time
- CT neck: multiple facial foci of the skin were thickened superficially which corresponds to superficial abscesses. No abscesses in deeper soft tissue. No enlarged lymph nodes.
60-year old female with PMH of GERD presented to the ED with several months of facial abscesses positive for Mycobacterium with associated fever, chills and cough.
# facial/neck abscesses s/p cosmetic injections in July 2021, outpatient culture positive for Mycobacterium
- Failed outpatient treatment X4
- Admit to medicine team
- Treat with IV antibiotics as per infectious disease recommendations
- IV imipenem 500 mg/100 mL Q8 hours
- IV Azithromycin 500 mg/250 mL Q24 hours
- Blood cultures X 2
#incidental finding of right upper lobe 2-3 mm nodule on CT
# cough in the setting of CT finding and outpatient culture positive for mycobacterium
- Rule out tuberculosis
- Sputum acid fast bacilli cultures X 3
- Quantiferon gold test
- Respiratory isolation
- Trend temperature, WBC and respiratory status
#History of GERD
- Continue home pantoprazole 40 mg daily
# DVT prophylaxis
- Lovenox 40 mg subcutaneous
H&P 2
Identifying data:
Name: T.M.
Address: Queens, NY
Age: 52
Sex: Male
Date and time: 11/19/21 4:00AM
Location: New York Presbyterian, Queens, NY
Religion: Muslim
Marital status: married
Source of information: self and medical records
Reliability: reliable
Chief complaint: “ chest pain” X 2 weeks
History of present illness: T.M is a 52 year-old male active pack a day smoker, with PMH HTN, HLD, and DM presented to the ED with exertional chest pain for the past 2 weeks. Chest pain has been worsening over the past two days with exertion. It is located over the upper mid chest, described as pressure, radiates to the back, ranging from 5-8/10. Chest pain is associated with palpitations and SOB. Prior to a few days ago he could walk several blocks without SOB but currently he becomes SOB at half a block. SOB improves with rest, but chest pain remains although lessens 3-4/10. He has not had a similar presentation in the past. He denies diaphoresis, orthopnea, PND, leg swelling, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, change in mental status, cough, sputum, fever, chills, IV drug use, sick contacts, recent travel, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea/constipation.
In the ED ECG was normal but the patient was found to have elevated troponins. Patient was given IV heparin and Aspirin.
Currently the patient reports chest pain 4/10, but denies SOB in bed.
Past medical history:
DM X 10 years
HLDX 15 years
HTNX 15 years
Past surgical history:
Umbilical Hernia repair in 2011, unsure which hospital. Denies complications.
Farxiga 10 mg daily for diabetes
Diltiazem 120 mg daily for HTN
Lisinopril 2.5 mg daily for HTN
Metformin 1000 mg daily for DM
Metoprolol tartrate 100 mg daily for HTN
Rosuvastatin 20 mg daily for HLD
Allergies: patient denies allergies to medication, food or environment
Family history:
Grandparents: unknown
Father: deceased from MI at age 57
Mother: alive, unknown history
Siblings: alive, unknown history
Son and daughter: alive and well
Denied family history of metabolic disorders, cancer, thyroid disease, kidney disease, allergies, lung disease, GI disease, urinary tract disease, psychiatric disorders, nervous disorders.
Social history:
Marital status: married lives with wife
Occupation: works at grocery store
Habits: smokes 1 pack of cigarettes daily, denies alcohol use and use of recreational drugs.
Travel: denies
Diet: breakfast eggs/bagel/cereal. Lunch meat sandwich. Dinner meat/vegetables/starch
Exercise: walks
Sleep: sleeps between 7-8 hours a night.
Sexual history: sexually active with wife
Review of systems:
General: patient denied fever, chills, nausea, anorexia, general weakness,vomiting, fatigue, diaphoresis, night sweats and changes in weight
Head: patient denied trauma , headache, confusion, lightheadedness, changes in vision, loss of consciousness
Neurologic: patient denied slurred speech, neck stiffness, decreased sensation, numbness, tingling, syncope
Eyes: denied blurred vision, itching, photophobia, discharge, swelling. Does not wear corrective lenses
ENT: patient denied vertigo, rhinorrhea, stuffiness, sneezing, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, tinnitus, ear pain, deafness, use of hearing aids
Cardiac: see HPI. patient denied leg edema, claudication, known heart murmurs
Pulmonary: see HPI, denied cough,pain with inspiration, wheezing, hemoptysis
Hematology: patient denied bruising, anemia, enlarged lymph nodes, history of DVT/PE
Skin: patient denied rash, sores, itching
GI: patient denied bowel changes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysphagia
GU: patient denied urgency, dysuria, polyuria, hematuria, nocturia, incontinence.
MSK: patient denied joint pain and swelling
Endocrine: denies polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, heat or cold intolerance, excessive sweating, goiter or hirsutism.
Psychiatric: patient denied anxiety, depression, mood changes.
Physical exam:
Vitals: temperature 36.8 C, pulse oximetry 95% on RA , HR 103 regular, BP 126/82 mmHg, RR 18 unlabored. Height 167.6 cm weight 91.2 kg BMI 32.5
General: 52 male, alert and oriented X3, overweight, appears stated age
Head: normocephalic and atraumatic, non tender to palpation
Eyes:symmetric OU, no eyelid swelling or ptosis, lesions noted externally. PERLL, non icteric, no conjunctival injection. Visual fields full by confrontation bilaterally. EOMIs.
ENT: no JVD< mucus membranes moist, no erythema or exudate in the back of the throat, no lymphadenopathy. Trachea midline, thyroid not-enlarged. Uvula midline. Dentition intact, no obvious caries.
Cardiac: regular rate and rhythm, S1 and S2 auscultated. no murmurs, rubs or gallops. Radial pulses 2+ bilaterally, capillary refill < 2 seconds bilaterally. No leg edema.
Pulmonary: clear to auscultation bilaterally, Normal respiratory effort, no retractions. Symmetrical chest expansion, no wheezing or rhonchi, crackles.
Abdominal: bowel sounds present in all four quadrants, abdomen soft and non tender, with no distention, no hepatosplenomegaly. No guarding or rebound noted. No abdominal pulsations or bruits.
Skin: no rashes, bruises or scars. No pallor noted. Warm and moist, non icteric skin. Normal skin turgor.
Extremity: full range of motion, strength grossly intact in upper and lower extremity. No unilateral calf swelling or tenderness. No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. DP pulses 2+ bilaterally. Sensation intact.
Neurological: patient is able to ambulate normally, finger to nose normal. Sensation to face intact. Jaw strength, facial movements, shoulder shrug, EOMIs with no nystagmus.
- BMP and electrolytes: Na 141, K 3.9, Cl 104, CO2 25, BUN 7.1, Cr 0.86, glucose 89 Ca: 9.3 Phosphate: 3.4
- CBC: WBC 9.80, RBC 5.19 Hgb 12.6 Hct 40.5, platelets 416
- Troponin: 0.025→ 0.028
- aPTT baseline: 28.8
- D-dimer: <150 (0-229)
- Covid: negative
- CXR: no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease.
- EKG: sinus tachycardia at 106, no acute ST/T changes
52-year-old male, smoker with PMH of HTN, HLD, and DM presenting with exertional chest pain. ECG normal with elevated first troponin 0.025, d-dimer <150, PTT 28.8, negative Covid. Started on heparin and ASA in the ED. patient will be admitted for ACS workup
# chest pain due to NSTEMI
- Repeat troponins, repeat ECG, telemetry monitoring
- Echocardiogram this AM
- Cardiac catheterization lab this AM
- Diet: NPO besides for medications
- Cardiac consult- follow up recommendations
- Start with nitroglycerin 0.4 mg SL for pain PRN (hold if inferior wall MI)
- Continue with Heparin drip 1000 U/ hour
- Check PTT Q6 hours to gaol of 50-75 therapeutic)
- Continue with Aspirin 81 mg daily
- Continue with metoprolol 100 mg, lisinopril 2.5 mg, diltiazem 100 mg.
- Monitor blood pressure
- Start Lipitor 80 mg
- Send lipid profile
- Insulin lispro sliding scale
- Send HbA1C
#DVT prophylaxis
- Patient is on a heparin drip
H&P 3
Identifying data:
Name: P.Y.
Address: Queens, NY
Age: 73
Sex: Male
Date and time: 11/16/21 2315
Location: New York Presbyterian, Queens, NY
Religion: denies
Marital status: married
Source of information: self and medical records
Reliability: reliable
Chief complaint: Fall three days ago
History of present illness: P.Y. is a 73M with PMH of HTN, CAD s/p PCI in 2017 with DESX1, PVD s/p R external iliac stent and R femoral-popliteal graft in 7/2018 on ASA s/p 4 toe amputation on right 10/2018, HFrEF (EF 35%) with history of alcohol abuse (drinks 1 L of vodka daily), insulin dependent DM, 50 pack years, presented to the ED for a witnessed fall today. Patient states he has had trouble walking this past month at home due to feeling unbalanced. He has been able to ambulate only with a walker over the past month. Today he stood up and went to hold his walker, he fell down and hit the back of his head. Fall was witnessed by wife, both denying LOC. the patient states he lost his balance and fell. The patient denies headache, blurry vision, neck pain, chest pain, SOB, palpitations, fever, chills, dizziness, lightheadedness, unilateral weakness, sensory loss, nausea, vomiting, denies sick contacts, recent travel. Patient reports he has self discontinued all his medications for the past month.
Past medical history:
HTNX 25 years
DMX 20 years
CAD X5 years
PVD X 4 years
HFrEF X 5 years (EF 35%)
Alcohol abuse X 20 years (1L of vodka daily)
Past surgical history:
PCI in 2017 for CAD with DES X1
Right external iliac stent, right femoral popliteal graft in 2018 for PVD
4 right toe amputations in 2018 for PVD unviable tissue
Medications: patient has been non compliant with home medications for a month
Apixiban 5 mg two tablets PO BID
Aspirin 81 mg PO daily
Carvedilol 12.5 mg PO BID
Nifedipine 30 mg PO daily
Lantus 10 units SC nightly
Allergies: penicillins (Rash). Denies allergies to food or environment
Family history:
Grandparents: patient did not know
Parents: deceased, patient did not know
Denied family history of cardiac disease, metabolic disorders, cancer, thyroid disease, kidney disease, allergies, lung disease, GI disease, urinary tract disease, psychiatric disorders, nervous disorders.
Social history:
Marital status: married lives with wife
Occupation: retired construction worker
Habits: drinks 1 L of Vodka daily. 50 pack year smoking history quit last year
Travel: denies recent travel
Diet: has poor appetite
Exercise: denies exercising
Sleep: sleeps between 7-8 hours a night.
Sexual history: sexually active with wife
ADLs: dependent on wife for help with ADLs
PMD: Dr. Smith in Queens at 718-000-0000 has not been to see in >2 years due to covid
Review of systems:
General: patient denied fever, chills, nausea, anorexia, general weakness,vomiting, fatigue, diaphoresis, night sweats and changes in weight
Head: see HPI, patient denied , headache, confusion, lightheadedness, changes in vision, loss of consciousness
Neurologic: patient denied slurred speech, neck stiffness, decreased sensation, numbness, tingling, syncope
Eyes: denied blurred vision, itching, photophobia, discharge, swelling. Does not wear corrective lenses
ENT: patient denied vertigo, rhinorrhea, stuffiness, sneezing, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, tinnitus, ear pain, deafness, neck pain, use of hearing aids
Cardiac: patient denied leg edema, claudication, known heart murmurs, chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations
Pulmonary: denied cough, shortness of breath, pain with inspiration, wheezing, hemoptysis
Hematology: patient denied bruising, anemia, enlarged lymph nodes, history of DVT/PE
Skin: patient denied rash, sores, itching
GI: patient denied bowel changes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysphagia. Never had a colonoscopy.
GU: patient denied urgency, dysuria, polyuria, hematuria, nocturia, incontinence.
MSK: patient denied joint pain and swelling
Endocrine: denies polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, heat or cold intolerance, excessive sweating, goiter
Psychiatric: patient denied anxiety, depression, mood changes.
Physical exam:
Vitals: temperature 37.2 C pulse oximetry 98% on RA , HR 98 regular, BP 165/90 mmHg, RR 20 unlabored. Height 1.854 m weight 61.7 kg BMI 18
General: 73M alert and oriented X3, thin, appears stated age
Head: mildly tender in the occipital region to palpation
Eyes:symmetric OU, no eyelid swelling or ptosis, lesions noted externally. PERLL, non icteric, no conjunctival injection. Visual fields full by confrontation bilaterally. EOMIs.
ENT: mucus membranes dry, no erythema or exudate in the back of the throat, no lymphadenopathy. Trachea midline, thyroid not-enlarged. Uvula midline. Dentition intact, no obvious caries.
Cardiac: regular rate and rhythm, S1 and S2 auscultated. no murmurs, rubs or gallops.
Pulmonary: clear to auscultation bilaterally, Normal respiratory effort, no retractions. Symmetrical chest expansion, no wheezing or rhonchi, crackles.
Abdominal: bowel sounds present in all four quadrants, abdomen soft and non tender, with no distention, no hepatosplenomegaly. No guarding or rebound noted. No abdominal pulsations or bruits.
Skin: no rashes, bruises or scars. No pallor noted. Warm and moist, non icteric skin. Normal skin turgor.
Extremity: healed ulcer on left foot. Right foot with 1 toe. full range of motion, strength grossly intact in upper and lower extremity. No unilateral calf swelling or tenderness. No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Sensation intact.
Neurological: patient is unable to ambulate without assistance, finger to nose normal. Sensation to face intact. Jaw strength, facial movements, shoulder shrug, EOMIs with no nystagmus.
- BMP and electrolytes: Na 139, K 4.5, Cl 98, CO2 26, BUN 14.2, Cr 0.97, glucose 146
- CBC: WBC 6.30, RBC 5.02, Hgb 13.1 Hct 41.7, platelets 249
- Ethanol level: 225 mg/dL
- Covid PCR: negative
- Troponin: negative X 2
- CT cervical spine without contrast: dens and occipital condyles intact. No acute displaced fracture. Mild cervical spondylosis on multiple levels.
- CT head without contrast: no CT evidence for acute intracranial pathology
- ECG: NSR at 94 BPM no ST segment changes
73 yo M with PMH of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI in 2017 with DES x1, PVD s/p right external iliac stent and right femoral-popliteal graft 7/2018 on ASA, s/p 4 toe amputation on right foot 10/2018, HFrEF (EF 35%), alcohol abuse (1 L of vodka daily) presented with fall today after losing his balance. Will admit for monitoring.
#witnessed fall without acute injuries seen on imagin
- No skin breakage
- CT head and C spine with no acute traumatic injuries
- Likely secondary to alcohol abuse (ethanol level 225 mg/dL)
#EtOH abuse impending withdrawal
- CIWA protocol
- Ativan 0.5 mg every hour PRN
- Thiamine 100 mg tablet daily
- Folate 1 mg daily
- IV NS 75 cc hr maintenance fluid
- Fall precautions
- Social worker for AA referral and rehab recommendations
- Patient non compliant with home medications for one month. Patient used to take carvedilol 12.5 mg, nifedipine 30 mg, apixaban 5 mg, aspirin 81 mg
- Will restart carvedilol, apixaban, and aspirin
# insulin dependent DM
- Patient non compliant with medication for 1 month, patient used to take Lantus 10 U nightly
- Will start patient in Lispro sliding scale
- f/u HbA1C
- Diabetic diet
#DVT prophylaxis
- Patient restarted on home apixaban 5 mg daily
- Out of bed with assistance
- PT consult