Devora Schapiro

Ambulatory Medicine: Site Visit Summary

For ambulatory medicine both site evaluations were over Zoom. Both site evaluations were done with another student who was on her emergency medicine rotation. In our first site evaluation, each of us presented a case and then we discussed it with the site evaluator. He gave us a chance to ask questions or say what we might do differently for future cases. In the second site visit we each presented another case and then a journal article with illuminating discussions surrounding the cases and articles. I appreciated that there was another student present in the site evaluation. The other student presented two very interesting cases that I was able to learn from as well. 

In the first site evaluation I presented a case of a middle aged man with non traumatic leg pain. In the second site evaluation I presented a case of a young man with eye trauma and eyelid swelling. I chose to present those two cases because orthopedics and ENT/ophthalmology are two fields I am interested in. 

Many of the patients I saw in urgent care presented for Covid-19 testing, so I chose to do a journal article relating to Covid-19. I appreciated the fact that our site evaluator told us we could present a journal article that was not connected to the case we were presenting, because I had wanted to look into Covid-19 treatment.