Devora Schapiro

Family Medicine: Site Visit Summary

For my site visit in family medicine I presented two cases. My first case was about a patient who presented for pain management after an accident with multiple fractures. I learned from this case the role of primary care in managing patients who are being managed by other specialties. For example this patient was also being managed by orthopedic surgery. However they were not prescribing the patient any pain medication, so that was the role of primary care in this case. 

My second case I presented was a young woman with cervical lymphadenopathy. From this case I learned the importance of taking a good history, doing a good physical exam, and knowing when to refer a patient to a specialist. In this case the patient had no risk factors for malignant lymphadenopathy so she was not referred to a specialist yet, but first for imaging with close follow up. 

The journal article I presented was in conjunction with my second case. I chose to present an article on lymphoma since that was one of my differentials for the patient with cervical lymphadenopathy. The article discussed a non-invasive method for diagnosing lymphoma. 

For future rotations I will work on my differential diagnosis, my assessment and plan.